Western Screech-Owl

Western Screech-Owl

(Megascops kennicottii)

  • Size: 7.5-9.8" long // 21.6-24.4" wingspan
  • Diet: They eat mostly small mammals, thought they also eat birds, fish, amphibians, and invertebrates
  • Seasonal Habits: Non Migratory
  • Temperament: Not Aggressive

A short series of high toots accelerating through the night announces the presence of a Western Screech-Owl. These compact owls, not much taller than a standard pair of binoculars, hunt in woods and deserts of western North America, where their wide-ranging diet includes everything from worms and crayfish to rats and bats. Found in urban parks and residential areas as well as wilder places, Western Screech-Owls nest in tree cavities, and will readily take to backyard nest boxes.