Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler

(Aba clypeata)

  • Size: 17" long // 1.4 pounds
  • Diet: tiny crustaceans, other aquatic invertebrates, and seeds
  • Seasonal Habits: Migrate in winter
  • Temperament: Aggressive when you near their nest

Northern Shovelers swim through wetlands, often with their bills down in the water, swinging them side to side to filter out tiny crustacean prey. Sometimes large groups swim in circles to stir up food. They don't forage on land regularly, but they do rest on land and walk along wetland edges. They are fairly social ducks, occurring in groups with shovelers and other dabbling ducks, especially during the winter. During the breeding season, they are less tolerant of other shovelers encroaching on their territory. Defensive males often chase intruders on the water and in the air.