Mule Deer

Mule Deer

(Odocoileus hemionus)

  • Size: 95-200lbs // 5ft. tall
  • Diet: Forbs (weeds) and browse (leaves and twigs of woody shrubs)
  • Seasonal Habits: they do not hibernate, so they can be seen during the winter
  • Temperament: A mule deer bounces away in a motion called "stotting"; all four hooves pushing off the ground at the same time

Mule deer are easy to identify due to their large mule-like ears. They have a distinctive black forehead, or mask, that contrasts sharply with a light grey face. The lighter facial coloration makes the eye rings and muzzle markings seem less obvious. Mule deer are brownish-gray in color, have a white rump patch and a small white tail with a black tip.