![Hairy Woodpecker](/silvies/animals/large/Hairy_Woodpecker.jpg)
Hairy Woodpecker
(Picoides villosus)
- Size: 7.1-10.2" long // 13.0-16.1" wingspan
- Diet: larvae of wood-boring beetles and bark beetles, ants, and moth pupae in their cocoons. To a lesser extent they also eat bees, wasps, caterpillars, spiders, millipedes, and rarely cockroaches, crickets, and grasshoppers
- Seasonal Habits: Short Distance Migration
- Temperament: Aggressive when you near their nest
The larger of two look alikes, the Hairy Woodpecker is a small but powerful bird that forages along trunks and main branches of large trees. It wields a much longer bill than the Downy Woodpecker's almost thornlike bill. Hairy Woodpeckers have a somewhat soldierly look, with their erect, straight-backed posture on tree trunks and their cleanly striped heads. Look for them at backyard suet or sunflower feeders, and listen for them whinnying from woodlots, parks, and forests.